Fifth Meeting — 2017-11-06

STUCO 5th Meeting Minutes (11/6/2017)


  1. Call to Order (Daniel Garcia, President)
  2. Opening Prayer (Andreas Giannitsopoulos, Sergeant-at-Arms)
  3. Roll Call (Adam Rinaldi, Secretary)
    1. Three people had unexcused absences: Barrett Gregory, Noah Kotlarek, and Haden Ritchie
  4. Financial Report (John Green, Treasurer)
    1. We have $14,794 to spend
  5. Red Ribbon Week Report (Daniel Garcia, President)
    1. Nicolas Brito was not present for the report
    2. It was a huge success
  6. Club Fair Committee Plans (Michael Banks, Vice President)
    1. Cannot schedule Cemo until second semester
    2. The theme of the fair can be: “It’s not too late to join a club”
  7. Pius Week Committee Plans (Francisco Narro)
    1. Totally dropped the ball on planning
    2. Possibility of using Fish Week games to make up for Francisco’s poor planning
  8. Thanksgiving Food Drive Plans (Daniel Garcia, President)
    1. Starts today
    2. Andreas Giannitsopoulos, P.J. Rzasnicki, Tristan Fauntleroy, and George Fisher can help transport all of the donations
  9. EBN Segment Update (Daniel Garcia, President)
    1. Barrett Gregory was not present for the update
    2. STUCO announcements are going well
  10. Website Information (Joseph Hassell, Webmaster)
    1. We will have all of the photos that were taken this year on the website
    2. We need individual photos to post on the website
  11. New Business (Open Floor)
    1. Participation has been poor this semester
    2. Warning letters were given to 5 people: Peter Chauvel, Joseph Chavez, Ben Huggins, Christopher Ezeude, and Thomas Sage
    3. Freshmen elections will be “sometime soon”
    4. We decided to host a movie on the field this Saturday on the football field
    5. $2,200 was approved for the movie
    6. NHS grant application was moved to a different day
  12. Next Meeting/Adjournment (Daniel Garcia, President)
    1. Not sure when the next meeting will be